Last week I went to UWC with Lauren. We only had a half an hour left before I needed to pick Lily up from school, but we went ahead and initiated a conversation with two girls sitting on a bench outside. We found out fairly quickly that one had a church background and the other was Muslim. They were pretty quiet and reserved until their friend came up and joined the conversation. He also is Muslim, and was quick to tell us he went to Muslim school, where he learned about all the "loop holes" of Christianity. One of the first things he said when he found out I was a Christian was "Oh! So we pretty much believe the same things". I asked how, and he answered that they believe in God and the Bible too...except that Jesus was just a prophet. He was very open to talking and answering my questions about his faith. When it came to what happens when he dies, he said he's scared to death because he doesn't know where he'll go after he faces "judgement". He admitted he's not a "good Muslim", but wants to be better. I asked why-what's the motivation? Seemed like it was so he could just be a better Muslim, which would make him a better person. After talking for quite awhile, I referred back to when he said our faith is pretty much the same, and said I'd actually have to disagree. He was interested to find out why. I said "Our God is loving, and our personal relationship with Him is one of love, not fear." We handed them each a "4 Spiritual Laws" booklet and because we were running out of time I asked if they'd rather take it home and read it, or go through it right now? All three of them were eager for me to go through it with them right then! And something miraculous happened somewhere in the middle (probably partly because two of our women student leaders came over and started praying as they listened)...the message of the good news of the gospel became clear! They came to understand why Jesus is the only way...that we are all sinful and imperfect (Rom 3:23), and Jesus was without sin. He bridged the gap. They understood it is a gift...not that we can earn it (Eph 2:8-9). And when they identified between the two circles where they stand, all three said they are on the "left" (without Christ). Where do they want to be? On the right (with Christ in their life, 100% forgiven). So I read the sample prayer, and they all said it expressed the desire of their heart! I asked if they wanted to pray with me right then to invite Christ into their lives, and explained the assurance they would have in spending eternity in heaven. Then the two Muslim friends looked at each other and realized what that would mean...and they didn't pray out loud. But the girl with the church background did! Praise God! They were all running late to a study group together, so they had to go. But we asked if they'd want to get together again to talk further and the Muslim guy jumped at the opportunity! We all exchanged numbers, and when they left we rejoiced that we witnessed a miracle! God visibly changed their hearts- we could see that even if two of them didn't pray with us out loud. They went from not understanding, to understanding. And the one girl is alive in Christ! Praise God! The biggest bummer is that it is mid-term week, and students all become pretty much unavailable during exam weeks. Please PRAY that the Muslim guy will meet with Christian this week, while the seed is on fertile soil. Pray that the girl that accepted Christ would be willing to meet again for basic follow up Bible studies, and get connected to the other student women involved.
It's just been one story after another of students anxiously responding to the gospel! One of our staff guys got a text last week from a guy that had just prayed to receive Christ that said something like "thank you so much for sharing with me the most important message I could ever hear". Yesterday Christian and Nicholas saw a guy accept Christ, and Christian said he could just tell from the beginning God was doing a work in this guys heart. And this week we hosted an outreach by an illusionist named Adrian VanVactor. 50 students came to the event at Stellenbosch campus, and 2 prayed to receive Christ! What an exciting and humbling privilege it is to be a part of the harvest...the Lord's life changing work in people's lives. There's nothing like it. It's a work that only Jesus can do...and we're addicted! Praise God and rejoice that He is life!
On more of a personal note, God is bringing more friends into our lives, which has been so fun! We've found a church that we LOVE! It's called "Common Ground". For first time visitors they offer coffee and these AMAZING brownies (not gonna lie- it did leave a good "taste" in us wanting to come back:)) in a lounge after the service. We met a couple who lead a small group, and instantly hit it off! In fact, all felt sure that we'd met before...we both looked familiar! Strange...but anyway, we've really enjoyed getting to know them. The first week we went to the church, Lily didn't make it very long in Sunday school before they brought her to me in the service. The second week I stayed with her the whole class to help her feel comfortable. The third week she went right in and had fun! Praise God! I'm seeing that it really is a trend of her being anxious and fearful the first time in a group situation. She's actually started going to this after school class called "Soetlief". It's a 10 month emotional and social skills program. It teaches children communication skills and they learn to identify, communicate and control their emotions. ( Everything about the description seems like a perfect fit for Lily. It's about 7 kids that are all Lily's age, and they meet at the teacher's home. The first class we were a little late, and Lily cried and wouldn't let me the teacher let me stay. This week, she went in happily and enjoyed it! They learned about the four core feelings (happy, sad, angry and scared), and did a lot of fun activities in identifying and expressing these feelings. A personal highlight was getting to meet and visit with one of the other mom's whose daughter is in Lily's Soetlief class! We got to chat for the whole 45 minutes that they had class, and swapped numbers. So new friends, a great church, and a great class for Lily! Praise God!
Anya's sty on her eye has persisted. We put warm compresses on her eye a few times a day for a couple of weeks, and we kept thinking it was looking better, but it never cleared. Finally we gave in and went to a doctor. Actually, first we went to the "M Chem" pharmacy, where you can have a free consultation with a nurse. The nurse recommended an antibiotic ointment. However, it turns out it's out of stock in the country for a year. So, I got right in with a doctor a friend recommended. Victory number one was finding the hospital. Victory number two was finding the right room (parked at the wrong building and then had a little trouble finding the right office). Once we filled out our paperwork, the receptionist said we could go on in...where? Is that the doctor...the tall gray haired Afrikaans man dressed in nice clothes behind the desk drinking his tea? Yep- he's the doctor! So Anya and I went in and sat down. After some friendly introductions, I told him I was there about Anya's eye. He glanced at it and said, "Oh, is that all? What are all those bites on her arm?" He seemed way more concerned about her mosquito bites (which, side note, there have been a swarm of these little mosquito bugs that have infested our house. There are NO SCREENS on our doors and it's either smother or have bugs. And they are eating Anya alive at night, poor thing). He then got up and invited us around the corner to his little office closet. He looked at her eye with some goggle/binocular looking things, and then I couldn't understand for sure what he said, but I knew he'd prescribe some medicine. Then he looked at her bites and somehow something I said he misheard and thought I thought she had worms! He said "Oh no...she doesn't have worms!" There was some miscommunication happening, but all in all he seemed to know what he was doing, wrote down some prescriptions (one for the eye and one for mosquito bites) and said to go to any "chemist" to get them filled. So, we went to the "chemist" nearest us:) , and I handed him the prescription. He went and filled it while I waited there at the counter, and when he came back he had 3 items. I asked what the one in the bottle was for, and he said for an infection. I asked if I put it on the eye or mosquito bites, and he said he didn't know. Then he put a spoon with it, and I figured out it was an oral antibiotic. Must have been in the miscommunication part. Thankfully the instructions are in English and gave directions for the one I put on her eye so I don't put the mosquito one there! Then he put the medicine all in a little rectangular cage, zip tied it, and sent me up to the register. And that is the long version of our first doctor/pharmacy experience in South Africa! We did it! And it really seems to already be helping. Thank you for your prayers!
We have some visitors coming this week...and Christian's brother, Bobby, is one of them! Yay! Our region is sending a "vision trip" composed of the summer project leaders (to find housing and settle details about the summer project coming in July), some campus directors, and some interested Stinters for next year. Please pray for smooth travel, safe arrival, and an encouraging week for all (how could it not be for us!). Pray for good quality time for Christian and his brother. Christian has really missed him and is looking forward to time together. We will visit Khayelitsha (one of the biggest townships) twice next week. Pray for clear avenues to be able to see how we can serve there regularly, and how to provide avenues for college students to serve there. Actually, we've met quite a few students at UWC that are from poorer areas and townships. Some take the train 2 hours each way, and a taxi to get to school every day! Pray also that God will use the vision trip and summer project to raise up laborers and another Stint team to continue the work next year. The Vision Trip group gets in at 10:30pm Thursday night (1:30pm MST) and leaves next Wednesday morning. Can't wait! We will all be on campus at UWC on Monday. Pray for our conversations! Thank you!
Things I'm getting used to...
*calling napkins "serviettes" (the girls say it all the time)
*not having a dish washer
*saying I'm going to "fetch" Lily instead of "pick her up"
*saying "hooting" instead of honking
*wearing skirts
*paying my parking ticket at the self pay machines before I go to my car and going through security gates (a bar) to get in and out of parking lots.
*tipping parking attendants and having "helpers" load my groceries into my car and direct me as I back out of my parking spot
*trampolines at play places in restaurants
*summer. Though I'm starting to feel the fall air coming in, and I know it's going to be beautiful too!
*having my laundry done for me (because when else will I have that opportunity?)
*driving- I don't have to think about what side of the road I'm on anymore. It feels normal!
*people standing on the middle line between the two lanes on the road at robots (stop lights), holding signs asking for money. And people doing fundraisers by going up to the cars at the robots and asking for money
*going to 5 different stores to get everything that I need (I'm missing Target!)
*people speaking to me in Afrikaans...I smile and nod and reply in English :)
*the girls playing with the Williams' girls every day whenever they aren't in school. Such a blessing to live right next door!
*our little apartment- it's home sweet home!
*bringing my own shopping bags everywhere. You have to pay for plastic bags at the grocery store and many other places.
*cheap coffee and hot milk, and every place serves breakfast (so yummy!)
* The bacon being more like ham. So good!
*Buying things in "Rand" and knowing if it's a good deal or not
*Not having TV (but would be lost without internet)
*Lily being at school half the day, and having Anya and I time (though I miss Lily)