Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Project in Cape Town's Winter

What an incredible few weeks it has been with the 37 staff and students here for summer project!  Last week we were in the township of Khayelitsha doing a holiday club, soccer club, doing some painting/remodeling of a preschool, and sharing their faith door to door with Pastor Peter and his church members.  Though Christian and I weren't as actively involved this week, it was encouraging to hear the ways it impacted our summer project students.  One girl in the summer project Bible study I'm (Mia)   in has experienced homelessness and loss that allowed her to relate in a special way to the people of Khayelitsha.  She said she "feels at home" with the people there and fell in love with them instantly!  One lady she shared with came to Christ and the next day the new believer not only shared with her family, but went door to door with our student translating while they shared the gospel!  Praise God!

This week classes started at UWC, so the whole project has been on campus sharing their faith.  Monday staff and students saw 7 people accept Christ and were able to follow up with 4 of them on Tuesday!  Another girl in my (Mia's) Bible study was excited to learn how to share her faith and become more comfortable in communicating the gospel.  Yesterday the first two students she talked with accepted Christ!  And today she sat down and talked to a couple of guys watching our volleyball outreach and after sharing the gospel with them, one of the guys accepted Christ!  Christian walked up half way through and is going to meet with the new believer for follow up on Thursday.  Summer project students are having so much fun talking about their faith, and people are coming to know the Lord.  It's such an encouraging start to the semester!

Lily started school again yesterday as well.  The first few days back are always a little rough for her, as she feels like she's missing out on "home" life (mostly playing with Lacy) by being at school.  But when I pick her up she's always in good spirits and says she had a great day.  Today is sunny and warm...it feels like spring!  I saw tulips and gerbera daisies in the grocery store the other day and it, along with the sunshine today is giving me spring fever!   Sounds like spring comes in August...I can't wait!

Please continue to pray for our time on campus- that we would all be filled and empowered with the Holy Spirit as He leads us to those who need Him!  Pray also that every new believer would meet again for follow up and get connected.  Thank you!

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