Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Today we met our friend Louise at Stodels...what I'd consider to be the best play place EVER!  It's a beautiful greenhouse/ garden center store that has an outdoor restaurant/coffee shop right next to an amazing play ground complete with a bouncy castle, trampoline, pretend train, wooden jungle gym, a swing, and a rocking horse.   But that's not all!  There is a mini petting zoo where you can feed the goats, horses, roosters, bunnies, parrots, ducks and monkeys (though after we fed the monkeys we read the sign that said "please do not feed the monkeys".  Oops!)  And it's all FREE!!!  So while Shannon, Louise and I were enjoying our coffee (which we didn't mind paying for:)) at the cafe, the kids were happily playing in their  dream play ground...with the shade of trees above and soft sand below. After my delightful cup of coffee, I inquired about having Anya's birthday party there.  For $7/child they provide party favors, juice, soft serve ice-cream, food to feed the animals, a hot-dog, french fry, and chicken nugget platter, and the table set up and decorated with balloons!   All I have to bring are the cupcakes!  Sign me up! (and they did!) It was such a wonderful time...can you tell I was excited?:)  I meant to buy some flowers for our patio, but we spent the whole time at the cafe/play ground.  Guess we'll have to go back!  Soon!
Each Sunday we've been trying different churches around town.  We haven't found our fit yet, but have enjoyed elements of all three that we've been to.  Last week we went to Hillsong, which is an Australian church plant.  This week we went to another "mega"church called "His People".  The first three worship songs were in the Xhosa language, which was really neat to hear.  But after the third one we were beginning to wonder if the service was going to be in English...and it was!  It gave me more of a desire to learn at least a little bit of the Xhosa and Africaans languages while we're here.  The people are so friendly and welcoming everywhere we've been.
Tonight I started going to Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)!  After an 8 year hiatus, it's good to be back!  We are studying the book of Acts and following the American BSF schedule.  I'm looking forward to having some structure and direction in my times with the Lord.
Driving is still an adventure, but it's becoming more comfortable.  Today I drove myself (though it was only a few blocks away) to the store.  I ran an errand!  Success!  Our parking garage might be the scariest part.  It's like climbing a mountain to get out of it, and weaving through a really tight maze of poles to get into our spot.  But I am thankful we have a garage to park in!
It's feeling more and more like home.  Lily is really liking school now.  It seems like she is making new friends every day and will start a pottery class next week that's offered before school on Tuesdays.  I think she'll really like that!  Anya is begging for a "class" to go to, so I'm looking for a dance or gymnastics class to put her in.  It seems like ballet is a big thing here, so I'm sure I'll find something.
We'll be meeting for briefing and planning every morning for the next 10 days when school starts.  Please pray for teachable hearts, team bonding,  and God's leading.  We're excited!

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